MB-Namenska Today

  • “MILAN BLAGOJEVIC-NAMENSKA” AD is a Government Company, with 1300 employees in modern facilities it produces products of the highest quality, well known to the world.
  • The Company has 85% of export oriented business. It accomplishes successful cooperation in the field of export of its products and services, with more than 30 countries around the world. Also, uses very high quality of raw materials from worldwide known suppliers.
  • It comprises facilities for the production of nitrocellulose, various types of powders and rocket propellants, powder charges, combustible components, celluloid and celluloid containers. In addition, it has the production of nitroglycerine, wet paste, ether production and solvent recuperation for its own needs, as well as the production of utilities.
  • The Company has qualified and experiences personnel for all branches of its activity, especially in the field of research and development.
  • All mentioned productions are accompanied by an independent quality control (central laboratory), which includes quality control of raw materials, and final products. Besides that, there are plant laboratories which are responsible for surveillance of each particular production.
  • Department of development and engineering offers transfer all of our technologies, mainly on the “turn-key” basis.
  • Development of new products, modernization of existing capacities and constant presence on the world market are priorities of the company's business strategy.
  • The quality of products and services is confirmed by the Certificates of the Quality Management System SRPS ISO 9001 and SORS 9000, the Environmental Management System SRPS ISO 14001 and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System SRPS ISO 45001.
  • Also, the Company applies REACH Directive EU